Middle-of-the-night blogging
It's 2 in the morning and pre-trip insomnia is in full force. On the upside, I've done a lot of reading (now The Count of Monte Cristo, just finished Persuasion by Jane Austen) and gotten some emailing done. On the downside, tomorrow I will be tired and crabby. I've had insomnia in the past and I find the best thing to do is not to fight it. Fighting it piles on more worry, which increases one's inability to sleep.
Since I last blogged, my family had a delightful Hannukah celebration. We always celebrate the Saturday after Thanksgiving because my grandparents are always in town. Good times were had by all. I generously received a flashlight that does not require batteries (it will be a light to me in dark places), and a new digital camera.
Here's Zayde mixing up the latkas:
And Dad frying them on the deck:
I spent today trying to tie up pre-trip loose ends to no avail, which was irritating. I will probably have more success tomorrow, since it's a business day.
I finally finished sock #2. That is the first and last pair of socks I knit. I think it was my least enjoyed knitting project ever.
I can't think of anything else to write, so it may be time for more reading. I hope you are all blissfully asleep.
Lauren, im Gustavo from Chile, do you remember me???
Mi English sucks, so i send u this message in spanish and english. Im glad to know more of u, know that u are all right, know that ur travelling and entering to law school. Im teaching Hystory in a School of Santiago, and next year i will marry. well Lauren, take care and tell me more of ur life. Mi e-mail is: delgustavo@gmail.com
Kisses. Gustavo
Lauren, te escribe Gustavo desde Chile, me recuerdas, no??
mi ingles escrito apesta, por lo mismo te escribire este mensaje en ingles y español. Me da mucho gusto saber de ti, saber que estas bien, viajando y entrando a la escuela de leyes. Yo estoy enseñando historia en un Colegio y el próximo año me casaré. Cuidate mucho y cuéntame qué ha sido de tu vida. Mi mail es delgustavo@gmail.com
besos, Gustavo
8:34 AM
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