Friday, December 29, 2006

Phnom Penh Party

Hello friends, I got here this afternoon from Saigon. So far, not bad. I'm feeling a little homesick now that I'm alone again and experiencing the culture shock of yet another new place.
On the bus here, the guy next to me was holding a two-year-old who pooed in the aisle of the bus. That's where the guy had him go, on top of a napkin. It was a bit of a shock to me. Usually, I'm not that squeamish about sanitation, but with all the poo everywhere here, I'm getting to be more and more excited about Purell hand sanitizer.
One of the main differences I've noticed between here and Vietnam is that rather than lots of motorbikes, there are lots of people sitting on top of vans. Or on top of the load a pickup is carrying.
I was thinking of staying here 2 days, but now I'm thinking I'll just stay tomorrow. I think I'd rather be at Angkor Wat for New Year's than in Phnom Penh. We'll see.
I'm having trouble uploading more photos. Sorry.
Thanks to those of you who've been emailing/commenting on my blog. It helps to get some word from home when I'm feeling lonely. Those of you who've not emailed me lately (you know who you are), consider this a guilt-trip into sending me an email about your lives.


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