Friday, December 01, 2006

The Minnesota long goodbye

Now I'm saying goodbye for real! To some of you, for the 5th time.

Mom and Dad went to the airport without me this morning (they were going to see Aaron in Nashville). It was hard to say goodbye to them and then sit around without much to do. I really love them a lot and am sad that I won't see them for such a long time. Sigh. Even though I know it will go by in a flash.

I saw the chiropractor this morning. He thinks my back problems may be a result of damage I did to ligaments in my ankles, probably during capoeira. The instability multiplies as it moves up my body. Anyhoo, he showed me a way to tape my ankle with athletic tape and said if I do that every day for two months my ligaments should heal. What have I got to lose? The tape is not uncomfortable and it would be nice to banish my back problems into oblivion! I will try it.

I would like to take this opportunity to tell the people in my life how much I truly love and care about them. If you don't know who you are, then shame on me.

Tomorrow, I fly through Denver (Zayde's driving me to the airport at 4:30 am), rather than disastrous Chicago. I take the same plane from Denver to San Francisco to Hong Kong to Ho Chi Minh City. I get to Vietnam at 10:10 pm Vietnamese time (13 hours ahead of Minneapolis) on Sunday, December 3.
I'm a little nervous about maybe forgetting some important travel document or something. Otherwise, I'm not really anticipating. I know I'll have a wonderful time, but it's hard to say goodbye to so many people I care about.


Blogger momo said...

so you may have been in the air for 6 hours now! Its hard to say goodbye and know we won't see eachother in person for a while, but through the miracle of technology its not so bad! Hope the rest of your flight is comfortable, that you aren't squishered in by a big stinky man, and that your digestive system remains in equilibrium. (The plane ride across the pacific was when all that trouble started for me - evil plane food)

Much Love!

12:48 PM

Blogger cate said...

missed you at vinyasa today. someone requested 'to sweat" so we did the half primary series with full vinyasas (between poses, but not sides...). it was wild! very cool to experience standing during the low-energy sitting (toe-picking) time.

i thought full vinyasas are what you'll do in mysore, but margie said, no, the full v idea is just from some italian guy who was so inflexible and just wanted to sweat more. but it was still cool.

where are you now? i wonder...
do you wish you had the handheld sudoku yet?

okay, "back" to "writing" my paper.

love, c

4:46 PM


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