Lauren Adrift
Hello friends, I commanded myself to do nothing today and I did it with style! Easy for some, harder than it should be for me (the nothing part, not the style part)...
You can order seafood for dinner by actually picking which fish, squid, prawns, etc you'd like. They weigh them and then grill them for you on the beach. I had the biggest prawns I've ever seen last night.
My beach bungalow is delightful. A nice breeze blows through to keep me cool and I can throw a stone and hit the beach.
I did some snorkeling today and saw lots of pretty fish right off the beach. I found I enjoyed doing the dead man's float, and then I thought of myself as "Lauren adrift." Hence the blog title.
Tomorrow, I go diving. I hope it's fun.
On my way to the internet place I cut my foot again. Sigh. Luck does not seem to be in my favor with this barefoot thing.
I had to ask a stranger to put sunscreen on my back today. She missed a spot. Strangers just don't take the same care as my mom does. This is the liability of solo travel
Anyhoo, there was a beautiful sunset on the beach this evening, which I witnessed after napping in a hammock and listening to the Les Miz soundtrack play in my head.
Hi Lauren:
"Lauren Adrift" was quite a report.
Rather than the usual observational and objective reporting of the sights and sounds, did I detect a modicum of gloating? (grilled prawns on the beach......throw a stone from my bungalow and hit the beach......a nice breeze to keep me cool....a beautiful sunset on the beach after napping in my hammock....) Just one or two of those items will suffice for your next blog.
You do seem to have a foot problem, don't you? Possibly you should think about modifying your blog ID to "CUTfootlauren"....but then there's already a "CutFootSue" (Sioux???) in Minnesota, isn't there? Though your hiking boots would likely solve the problem, I suppose they would be a bit gauche on the beach.
The dedication of the homes on Goodrich was held today and there were probably about 50 or 60 people there including the new owners and their families, representatives of some of the sponsoring corporations, and members of the various volunteer crews. After a couple of brief speeches and comments of gratitude by family members, we all went to the "double house" for a buffet style meal of ethnic foods, some of which were recognizeable (chicken, rice, salad) and others that were not, but all were very tasty. All the houses were open for inspection and it's remarkable how inviting they appeared when carpeted and without paint buckets, and other miscellaneous items scattered about. You would have enjoyed it, but probably not as much as lolling in your hammock, eating prawns that were cooked on the beach and throwing stones....all while basking in a glorious south seas golden sunset. I sure do hope that someone took a picture of all that!
Reporting to you from the frozen tundra where the actual wind chill is already -25 F tonight.
8:45 PM
yo lady!
get some thongs already! They are cheep, easy to slide into any sized pack, light weight, and pretty darn efficient in keeping your tootsies safe. Or you could go the local route - have you seen those plastic sandals just about everyone wears over there? A must have for any beach bum.
worried about sea salt pain in bloody feet,
nurse sunshine.
9:05 PM
I am sure your folks told you we have finally gotten frigid MN weather so enjoy the warmth. I spent the weekend with them in their lovely cabin and they kept an eye on your dad's pda waiting for "the doll's email". They are truly so happy for you.
The beach sounds idyllic and wonderful. Enjoy, Enjoy!!!!!!!!
(repetitious !! meant to express my happiness for you!)
Take Care,
Kathy Pinkett
9:55 AM
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