Monday, June 11, 2007


Hello friends, I haven't written for a few days.
I'm feeling really relaxed and comfortable here. I feel really calm. It's nice.
Friday Guruji led our class! It was so nice. I think he was only 'supposed' to lead the opening chant, but then he just kept counting. Sharath looked surprised. I'm really happy to have had the chance to be in a class with him. Sharath adjusted me in Mari D and said "Monday we bind." Well, we didn't bind today, but he was busy adjusting other people. It feels so close. I definitely feel like he'll be able to get me into it on one side. Or, maybe he'll be so busy that I'll eventually just get myself in.
I'm feeling stronger. I think when I was doing the whole series I was getting stronger, but my flexibility wasn't getting better. Now, I feel like they're both progressing in tandem.
My back is sore, which makes forward folding difficult. I see the chiropractor tomorrow. Even though the muscle hurts, it doesn't feel nearly as bad as it has in the past. I definitely feel like it's getting better.
I was talking to someone this morning about interacting with people you don't really like or get along with. I feel like my attitude towards those people is changing. I can be judgmental. I don't want to be anymore. I've felt myself move from judging someone else to just distancing myself from that person and acknowledging that I don't want to be around that person's energy.
The guy I talked to today described it as being a window, rather than a door. Let the negative stuff other people are giving off pass through you, but don't attach to it. Shutting yourself off from it pits your ego against the other person's, and I think this is where the judgment happens. I'm not sure if I'm making sense, but I'm definitely feeling a shift in the way I'm reacting to people.
I was feeling really nervous about coming home and integrating all this stuff into my life on top of all the changes. I don't feel that way anymore. I'm confident that I will keep up my morning practice. It's a privilege to be here and practice, but the practice is a privilege and a gift anywhere. The beauty of it is that I can take it with me and feel joy and gratitude for it no matter where I am. I also feel confident this is not my last trip to Mysore. I didn't feel that way a month ago.
It's weird to think of weeks left of my trip rather than months! I've got 3 weeks till I get home on July 3. I go to Nashville around August 19, so I have some time to enjoy the Minnesota summer and hopefully the State Fair! Although, the Awesome Blossom holds less appeal for me now that it once did.
Books I've been reading:
The Kite Runner
Paradise by Toni Morrison
Madame Bovary by Gustave Somebody
Other books I can't remember right now. I'm finishing a book almost every other day. I write them down in my journal, otherwise I'd forget. When I sum up my trip, I'll write a detailed list of books read.
Hugs, etc.
p.s. who thought mixing yoga and politics could be so fun? Check out the new link on my blog to


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi lauren...
just finished a lovely practice, on a sticky and warm minnesota afternoon.

checked in on your blog and got goosebumps when i read "it's a privilege to be here and practice, but the practice is a privilege and a gift anywhere." it is so true.

i'd love to join you on your next trip to mysore, and will look forward to seeing you in 3 short weeks.


3:07 PM


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