Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Disturbance in the Force

Hello friends, I've been feeling a little off today. Halfway through my practice I started to feel really sad. I felt like crying when Sharath didn't adjust me in Mari D. That was my cue to move on to finishing sequence. Crying about this stuff is totally unnecessary. I am really close to getting the pose--my elbow is at my knee. Just a couple inches and I'll be able to bind my arm.
I went home and avoided people for a couple hours. I felt not sad exactly, but like something was off--a disturbance in the force. .
There are some really annoying birds here. I like birds, but there's one here that sounds like an alarm clock. It sounded sick this morning. I was listening to that and the kid upstairs having a serious temper tantrum when I got home. It was a little more than I could handle.
My body's opening up and I think I'm moving into parts of my muscles that have gone undisturbed for a long time. We carry emotions and memories in different parts of our bodies and when you open stuff up, those emotions come out. Incidentally, I keep tripping on stuff and falling over in balance poses, which is unusual for me. Someone told me it's because I'm getting more flexible--your balance changes.
I went to the chiropractor today and my back is better but it's still spasming. My left psoas is really tight and I can feel it spasm, which is a weird sensation since it's buried deep in your torso. Here's an image of the psoas for your edification: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThe chiropractor dug into it today and it was all knotted up. She found one of the knots and when she pushed on it I started to cry--it hurt, but not that bad. I think I'm carrying something emotional there that's trying to get out. I'm not sure what it is yet.
We have a moon day on Friday, which means Friday and Saturday off. Some people are going out of town. I feel like I should go, but I'm not super motivated. I only really want to go if someone arranges it for me...The 2 days off will be good for my back to heal. I think I just have to stop trying to stretch it for a while.


Blogger k-k-k-katie said...

Hey dearie,
Something's off in my force today too.. it feels a little better to know that there's a counterweight to my melancholy on the other side of the globe.

But on the brighter side, I created a marvelous new chicken salad recipe with avocadoes, cilantro and jalapenos that I'll make for you in, oh, about a month. If ya feel like it.

I hope tomorrow's a better day for both of us :)


8:43 PM


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