Sunday, December 02, 2007

Law School is a lot of Work

Hello friends, I'm sorry I've neglected you for so long. Law school is a lot of work. My exams are weeks away and I started preparing before Thanksgiving.
I haven't been writing for a couple reasons:
1. I've been really busy with school
2. I don't feel like I have much of interest to say because all I've been doing is school
I'm looking forward to next semester when I'll have a couple months of a lighter workload. Now that I have friends, I think I'll have more opportunities to get out and explore Nashville.
I really love law school so far, despite the mountains of reading/writing/preparing. I can't wait till next year when I get to choose my classes. Yay.
I'm trying my best not to stress out about grades--the only grade we get is the grade on the final exam. Grading is done on a curve in a class full of really smart people. So, how I do in my classes doesn't necessarily correlate to how hard I work as much as how hard everyone else works in comparison to me. Because I have zero control over that I'm trying to let go expectations of how I'll do in my classes.
On the yoga front, I started going to the student rec center to practice next to the pool where it's nice and warm. I keep injuring myself when I practice at home because it's so very very cold in my house. The pool area is much nicer.
That's all I have to report! Back to learning about regulation and administrative agencies!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you, Lauren. Minasoda's cold too, and now we have some snow to go with it so at least it looks like winter as well as feels like it.

Well don't waste any more time reading this drivel.......back to the books!


2:28 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

practicing by the pool is a great idea!

hope to see you again over the holidays.

take good care...

9:39 AM


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