Hello friends, I moved into my new room yesterday. It reminds me of the semester in college when Bridget and I shared an apartment on Gilman. We had no stuff. My bed was on the floor. Same situation here. It took me all of 10 minutes to unpack. Then I went to buy some clothes.
Shopping here is not like shopping at home. You go from store to store that specializes in whatever it is you're looking to buy. Then, rather than browsing, they have everything behind a counter. They take stuff off the shelves to show you. You kind of end up ripping the whole store apart, because its the only way to see everything they have.
Anyhoo, I now have more than 1 and a half outfits.
I also went grocery shopping. A kilo of mangoes cost me 50 cents. Halleluja. I love mangoes.
I'm kind of just sitting around, twiddling my thumbs till class starts tomorrow. I haven't made any friends yet, so I've been sitting inside, eating mangoes and reading a book.
It thunderstormed here last night. I love thunderstorms.
Hey Lauren,
I just listened to a thunderstorm a few nights ago too - from my new room above ground level at my mom's house! It's kind of like a closet, but I really enjoy waking up to sunshine and being able to open my windows to fresh air instead of a brick wall.
Your place sounds nice and relaxing - you should put up some pics of it when you get the chance.
Things are wrapping up here - I have finals next week and then leave for Copenhagen in 3 weeks. ARG! I've also started biking from my mom's house to work and school. It's not so bad and I can do it in a little less than an hour. Hopefully this will prepare me for the biking I'll be doing through Copenhagen during my home care clinicals.
Anyhoo, I'm really bored because I'm working at the hospital today as a sitter. That means I have to stay in one room all day long and basically just watch the patient. My patient isn't all that bad either - she has catheters in so no linen changing, she isn't confused and isn't trying to pull out her tubes... So basically I'm in here to watch her monitors and surf the net all day. Maybe I'll even get some studying in.
Have you been practicing any meditation stuff since you left the ashram? (is that even how you spell it? I can't remember and am too lazy to look back) You'll have to give us all the juicy yoga details once you start!
9:49 AM
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