Still sore
Hello friends, I'm still feeling pretty sore. We don't practice tomorrow because it is a "moon day." I'm still not entirely sure what that means, but it'll probably be good to give the ol' body a rest.
The U of M is giving me the same response to my newest email: wait till the end of the month. The biggest news for me is that I'm actually not obsessing about this decision in the way I would have a couple months ago. It would've upset my sleep and made me feel anxious all the time. So, I feel like the yoga is working. I actually feel a little happy excitement over the uncertainty!
I'm really leaning toward Vanderbilt, though.
I know I had something I wanted to write about, but I can't remember what it was.
Oh yeah, I've been thinking about how far I'll make it through Primary series while I'm here, even though I know its the wrong attitude--wanting to get past Mari D is clouding my practice! I finished Mari D today and looked up expectantly at Sharath, hoping he would let me continue. Why? I think I want to feel like I'm advancing, even though I am advancing in a million ways that don't involve binding in Mari D. Must let it go.
the stopping people at certain poses always seemed weird to me, especially since mari d is followed by so many poses that are much more accessible to most people. maybe there is rhyme/reason to the order of the poses that i don't understand.
there is a powerful allure of progessing by easily identifiable benchmarks like continuing to more poses. you seem like you have a good awareness of all the many more subtle ways you are progressing - physically and mentally.
10:31 AM
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