Sunday, December 16, 2007


Hello friends,
The end of the semester is nigh, bringing with it the requisite reflection on how the semester has gone.
Tomorrow is my contracts exam and Thursday I have torts. Then I have FUN scheduled for Thursday evening. Fun is something I have not had in quite some time. Not to say I've been sitting around weeping or anything, but I have had very limited human contact in the last 1 to 2 months. This is getting boring. I was freaking out about my contracts exam a couple days ago, but now I am just so bored. Offer, acceptance, consideration, damages, bla bla bla. Just get it over with! (or put off studying it by blogging)
I've been thinking about how happy I am with this semester and my choice to come to Vanderbilt. I love this school and I love law school--I don't get the sense that most people have fond feelings about law school, especially in the midst of studying for the first round of finals. I feel lucky to be here.
There's a lot of general anxiety over grades, jobs, etc pulsating through the school body. I'm trying my best not to get caught up in it. I decided to be happy with whatever grades I do get. I also decided not to judge any of the choices I made this semester if I am less-than-happy with my results (or otherwise). Time will tell if this works or not.
I can't believe I've only been here for 4 months. So much has happened in that time. I made the best choices I could with the time and energy that I had going through this wild ride. Moving to a new city, being in school again, meeting hundreds of new people and being confronted with an academically rigorous program all at once. I did the best I knew how. Good for me.
In other news, I got x-rays at the chiropractor on...gosh, I don't even know what day it was, because I don't know what day it is...earlier this week. Traction worked! Yay, we decompressed the 2 discs in my lumbar. They now have fluid in them again. The bone spurs on my vertebrae moved away from my nerve column. That has to be a good thing. My discs will never go back to normal size, but he said that by maintaining my core muscles I will be able to hold my spine in its current position and keep it from getting compressed again. He said he's 100% sure my discs aren't ruptured because if they were, the traction wouldn't have worked. He told me I should feel good about the shape I'm in and that I seem to be a fast healer. I'm just happy that this worked. It's not like I never have to worry about it again, but I'm glad it's in my power to manage.
Ok, enough procrastination. Time for a day of studying contracts. Thhhbbbb.


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