Marichiasana D!
Hi Friends,
one of the teachers at the yoga studio pulled me into Marichiasana D last night!! It didn't hurt at all--my body's been ready for it for a while, I think. I just haven't been able to get myself into the posture. It made me feel like I have been making progress over the last year while I've been practicing alone, even though it felt like I started to spin my wheels. I wish I could have a teacher all the time! I'm hoping that I'll be able to do the pose by myself by the time I leave and that maybe they'll give me a few more poses.
There's my big news for the day.
yay mari d! all is coming!
are you ever on skype? send me your name if you are... i know that it's tough when you are paying by the hour.
we watched into the wild last night, and thought of you by the bus.
12:50 PM
ditto and yay...indeed, all is coming.
how deserving you are to have everything flowing so beautifully...and in walking distance!
i'm catching up the the flurry of blogs.
ciao, lauren...take good care...
8:43 PM
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