Thursday, May 22, 2008


Hello friends,
I'm writing to report I went to Yoga class in Rome last night (hence the "Roga") and it was awesome. I haven't practiced in about 5 weeks, due to finals, etc. so I expected to have a really hard time yesterday. But it went fine, though I'm really tired today. It was so nice to practice in the same room with other people again! They have a Mysore-style class, so I was able to just go in and do my own practice and there were 2 teachers, one of whom has been certified to teach Ashtanga by Patthabi Jois, walking around and adjusting. My yoga practice has stagnated a bit over the last few months and I think this will give me a push to the next level and an injection of much-needed yoga energy! yay. It also gives me something to do after work.
I'm so tired...I think I'm still sleeping off the finals tiredness. If only I'd had a week off somewhere in here. I fell asleep at 8:30 last night and slept till my alarm went off at 7:30. I had a terrible time getting myself out of bed. I'm looking forward to sleeping more this weekend.
The job is ok--I feel like I'm going really slow on all my research and it's a little unclear what the expectations are, i.e. how much and what I should be getting done within what time frame. But I'm learning lots about international disputes over GMOs, which is pretty interesting.
Rome is still growing on me, though i wouldn't mind if it stopped raining. I've started to navigate the buses, which means I'm learning my way around the city better.
Hope you are all well!


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