Hello friends, I wore my earplugs to sleep and I slept like a tiny, sleepy baby. Who knew sleep was just 2 little earplugs away? Maybe they're the solution to all my sleep problems.
I decided to stay in Mysore, even though we had a moon day today and tomorrow is our normal day off. I've been sleeping and yesterday I did some whirlwind souvenir shopping. I'm glad I'm getting that taken care of before I head home.
This morning I went up to the top of a hill here where there's a temple. I'm still feeling entirely unenthused about temples.
I had a cockroach crawl on me again last night. I turned on the light and he just sat on the end of my bed acting all satisfied with himself. I hope he's satisfied now that I flushed him!
Sidewalk watering: this guy comes every morning and hoses down the sidewalk and driveway and then sweeps it. It makes no sense to me in a country that's A. plagued by water problems and B. where the monsoon drops more water in an hour than I've seen it rain in my life.
George, you're the bearer of bad news! I have to miss the State Fair for yet another year. I like feeling Minnesotan while I look at the seed art, the state's biggest pig and the likenesses of young ladies carved in giant blocks of butter. Sigh, I doubt if they carve young ladies' likenesses out of giant blocks of butter in Tennessee.
Hi Lauren;
Awwww if only I had known that the State Fair schedule was going to be so uinsettling to you, I would have skipped advising you of it and left someone else be the bearer of bad tidings. But now that you're prepared to miss it once again, you can sympathize with me......I haven't been there in over 10 years....and I live less than a mile away from it!! Perhaps it would be of some comfort to you if I were to e-mail a photo of a corn-dog or of some politician pressing the flesh at the DFL booth?? Of course, it IS tough to beat the sight of some fair maiden's head carved in rich, creamy butter! And this year, for the first time it has been announced that you can purchase Sloppy Joe's on a stick...as if they weren't messy enough the regular way. Isn't that soooo Minnesotan? Yah, yew betcha!
Hope that you enjoyed your moon day!
8:54 PM
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