Ostia Antica/Happy Birthday to me
Hello friends,
I'm writing from my very hot office in Rome. They are apparently "working on" getting the AC going, but the work has been fruitless for the past couple days and the sun is beating in the window. I'm afraid of standing up and having a giant sweat mark on my butt.
Sunday I went with the other Vanderbilt student to Ostia Antica, Rome's old port town. It housed 75,000 people at its height and it was quite a sight to see! I will post pictures at some point. They restored a lot of the old buildings. On one block they were able to restore the first and second stories, so you could really get a sense for what it looked like to walk down the street and you could see what the apartment buildings looked like. They think the apartments in Rome were similar.
It was neat to see the size and scope of the ancient city. In Rome people kept building on top of the old stuff, so you can't really see how big the city used to be. Here, we could walk pretty much the whole city and get a good idea of its size (it was big!). We saw old warehouses, apartment buildings, etc. It was fun.
Yoga is still going well. I got a new pose yesterday: Navasana. Blessing or curse? I'm not sure yet.
Today is my birthday--I am now in my late mid-20s. I was in India for my birthday last year. I'm going to have to be home for my birthday next year--this getting older by myself thing is getting old.
I hope you are all very well.
Happy Birthday!!!!!
I'm impressed by your yoga progress. That's gotta feel great!
10:30 AM
wishing you all the best on your birthday and every day!
embrace every year and every moment.
8:46 PM
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