I feel like an Ashtangi
Hello friends, here's some big news that will mean nothing to most of you. I jumped through with my legs crossed during my vinyasas today!!! We do a little series of movements between each yoga posture--oh, poo, I'm going to look for a video to post here, so you can see it, because I can't describe it. I say "nuts to Marichiasana D!" Being able to do the jump throughs is way WAY more exciting. One million times more exciting. I did it for the first time yesterday and it startled me, because I didn't expect it. Then I didn't try to do it again...I was afraid I'd lose it.
I kept doing it this morning over and over and looking around at people wanting to ask "did you see that??? Did anyone else just see that???" No one noticed.
I was practicing next to my friend during the led class and she told me she noticed I was getting my knees through, but my feet were getting stuck. True enough. She told me to concentrate on my feet--somehow this did the trick.
I feel like last week and this week are extra bonus yoga weeks. I felt satisfied with what I've learned last week, so any more stuff I learn is extra special fun. Oh, and Guruji led our class yesterday. It's such a treat to have him! His voice has a very special quality. I like stopping at Mari D, because then I can watch him for the rest of the class.
My back bends are getting a lot better.
In short, I have no complaints.
Yesterday I went with some other people to a Tibetan refugee community. More giant gold buddhas! The temple was really beautiful--especially the paintings. It was a fun day, except I got really car sick. I don't know if it's because I haven't been riding in cars much, or if it's the fact that the roads here are either: awful, non-existent or full of obstacles (like cows...), but I felt like puking. Bleh.
I leave Mysore one week from today and will be back in the US of A one week from tomorrow. Time sure flies!!!
Now, lets all thank YouTube for explaining through video what I can't explain with words. Please realize my jump throughs do not look as nice as this guy's. I'm still working on the jump back.
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