Friday, October 27, 2006

has anyone ever knit the heel of a sock?

I went to stitch and bitch on Tuesday night, ready to try and figure out the heel of the sock I'm working on. When I choose new knitting projects, I try to do something that will help me acquire a new skill. Well, the sock helped me acquire the skill of staring at the pattern for hours, not having any idea what it was saying.
Thanks to funemployment, I had the time to go to the knitting store on Wednesday. I went to their clinic and a very nice lady helped me figure it out. Sock hell achieved!!! Ooops, I typed that by mistake, but I think I'll leave it as is. Freudian slip.
Tuesday and Thursday this week I volunteered with Habitat again. The group of guys on Thursday are a lot nicer. I was paired with George again yesterday. We had fun. They're just such a nice, welcoming group of people.
Bridget is in town taking an EMT course. We went out for dinner with our friend Nate from college last night. It was fun. We had sushi. It's nice to see Bridget. I feel just a little more alive when she's around.
Today I'm going with Baubie and Zayde (Yiddish for grandma and grandpa) to Baubie's eye surgery. She has a tear in her retina that's making her vision distorted. Then, I'm going to Nashville to see my brother, Aaron. Yay.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Hello friends...

First blog entry. Hmmm...
Well, I've been funemployed for approximately 5 weeks now. Mostly, I've been studying for the LSAT and procrastinating writing my personal statement for law school apps.
Also, I'm trying to catch up on my classics.
-Vanity Fair (the novel, not the magazine)
-Brave New World
In Progress:
-Anna Karenina
I started volunteering for Habitat for Humanity yesterday. Not only was I the only woman there, but also one of two people under 70, which was actually fun. A nice man named George taught me to install trim.
More scintillating entries to come.