That much is obvious now that I've arrived in the fair city. I saw a guy jogging around the place they used to have chariot races earlier. Awesome.
I made it here without anything too eventful happening, which is always a plus when it comes to traveling. I left Nashville Thursday morning, spent 5 hours in Philadelphia and then embarked on a very uncomfortable plane ride. It was hot and I swear my seat didn't recline as far as it should've (it certainly didn't recline as far back as I wanted it to). I sat next to a senior in college who asked me to talk to her during takeoff because she was desperately afraid of flying. When the plane would bank, or we went through turbulence, she would try and adjust it by moving her body or grabbing on to the seat in front of her.
The plane trip to Italy was very different from my plane trip to Vietnam. There were far fewer tourists, annoyed looking kids, etc on the plane flight to Vietnam. This flight was like going to Cancun. The streets here are filled with tourists here too--this could be a good or bad thing. On the one hand, people are used to dealing with foreigners and they don't stare at me like I'm an oddity. On the other hand, I feel less cool.
I waited a really long time for my luggage, which always makes me a little nervous.
I'm glad I arranged an airport pickup. My "studio" lies behind an unmarked wooden door to an apartment building. I never would've found it. Rather than having a room with a view, I have a room with no view. The only windows are above the door and in the ceiling in the bathroom. It'll do, but I though it'd be a little bigger.
I was feeling pretty overwhelmed yesterday. I barely got any sleep on the plane, not to mention the general exhaustion from the last 4 to 6 weeks (finals, moving, journal competition, etc). I fell asleep at 9:30 last night and woke up at noon! Maybe the exhaustion will help with the jet lag.
It appears my studio is next to a restaurant. I didn't notice from the outside, but as I was falling asleep last night I heard the general buzz of conversations, along with the sound of people washing dishes. Hopefully it was only so loud because it was Friday night.
To get on to our Law Review at Vanderbilt we had two weeks to submit a packet of items, including a 12 page paper based on materials they gave us. I worked on that yesterday and today and just finished it. Now that that is finally out of the way I can wander the city and explore with more ease. I may take a long walk today and try to figure out how to get to work.
I'm still trying to figure out exactly how to eat here, which always seems to be an issue for me right when I get to a country. Not that there isn't plenty of food around, but sometimes I'm shy about going up to a counter or something because I don't speak the language (and somehow failed to bring an Italian-english dictionary with me).
Anyhoo, friends, I made it here ok. I still have to figure out Rome's wireless hotspots so I can avoid paying $6 an hour for the internet. I set up a skype account, so if any of you want to talk to me over Skype, email me and we can exchange skype names.