Hello friends, sorry it's been so long since my last post. Now that I'm starting to get into a groove with this law school stuff, I think I'll be able to put in a little more time blogging (yes, it definitely can be used as a verb).
I'm happy to report that I'm actually enjoying law school this week. Last week at this time I definitely could not have said the same. My midweek meltdown went something like this:
Waaaaaa, I think I made the wrong choice and I don't want to be here.
What caused said meltdown, you ask?
Well, the first week was extremely overwhelming. I had 5 hours of class on Tuesday, and about 6 hours of homework to prepare for my 4 hours of class on Wednesday. Yikes. Luckily, this week I could anticipate the Tuesday/Wednesday shit storm and prepare for it.
My classes this semester:
-Torts (not the kind you bake, but that might be preferable)
-Legal Writing
-Regulatory State--the role of administrative agencies and bureaucracy in the creation of law--statutes and regulations--believe it or not this is my favorite class so far
I've been meeting some nice people and some people I'm indifferent to, but isn't that to be expected?
Computers in the classroom: a new development since I was in college. I've decided to fear using new technology where old technology did me just fine and I'm taking my notes by hand. This seems to be working for me so far.
My objection to computers in the classroom: I have to watch everyone else surf the web all through class. It's really distracting. Facebook, shoe shopping, news reading, and today, the girl in front of me was reading "Advice for 1Ls" and law blogs. I've got some advice for her: PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!!!
On to Red Shirt Guy. I'm afraid this story is not going to be as interesting as all the build up to it. During orientation a professor was giving a lecture on the difficulty in interpreting the law even when it seems straight-forward. She asked everyone with a red shirt to stand up. We went around the room "why did you stand up, your shirt has stripes." "The stripes are red." "I don't think that's a red shirt, it's a striped shirt." Then comes red shirt guy. He refuses to stand. She asks why he won't stand and he replies, in essence, "'cause I don't wanna." Then the professor tells him to leave. He refuses. She tells him he better not be in her class. It just seems to me that he was being arrogant. What's he got to prove? What's the big deal with standing up??? In any case, he will forever be known to our class as....red shirt guy. I guess we couldn't think of anything more colorful to name him (ha! I laugh at my own little joke).
People are already freaking out about the exams and asking professors about them. This strikes me as a bit premature. It's only the second week of class. I'm trying not to care too much about all that. I must focus on the task at hand: the hundreds and hundreds of pages of reading assigned each week. And it's not undergrad reading--I actually have to pay attention to it and learn from it. Sigh.
My home situation is really good. I like my roommate and her doggie, although he ate 2 pairs of my underwear. I figure, at least I get a funny story out of it. It's way funnier than if he ate my shirt. Now that I'm learning some lawyering skills I'm asking myself if I can hold my roommate liable for damages to aforementioned underwear...
I wish I could tell ya'll that Nashville is a great town, but the truth is I don't really know if it is or not. So far, I don't get out much. I did go to a party this weekend. I also hung out with my new sister-in-law, which was really fun.
I read a case for my torts class that took place at the Nicollet Hotel in the 1960s! How I miss fair Minnesota. And I'm very upset about missing the Minnesota fair for yet another year. That just isn't right.
Hugs to all! I'm glad you're still checking the page--I'll keep writing!